Supporting the Community

Our intention is to build positive relationships at the local level and enable communities to benefit from the work we do.

We pride ourselves with our Corporate Social Policy. We strive to be equitable and transparent with our stakeholders. Supporting the communities in which we work forms an integral part of this. Our intention is to build positive relationships at the local level and enable communities to benefit from the work we do.


Lower 48 Energy is committed to engaging in meaningful discussion with communities. We undertake engagement beyond the requirements set out in planning legislation. We seek to ensure that host communities understand our proposals and we understand any concerns or views regarding the development so that these can be considered at an early stage in the development of our projects.

Once our consent application has been determined, Lower 48 Energy is committed to working with communities during the construction phase to minimise disruption to communities and ensure long term benefits relate to the specific needs and aspirations of local people.

As part the early development of the project we have identified the following groups which we will seek to engage with as part of the project.

  • Moss Lane residents
  • Westby Parish Council

If you wish to be kept informed in the project, discuss the project with us or represent a group which you feel we should be discussing the project with, please get in touch by email.


Prioritising local supply chain

We will prioritise local supply chain during the construction phase of the project. Contractors will be encouraged to invest jobs, time, resources, and money in the nearby communities.

Technical Education & Employment Pathways

Each project discipline (including electrical, mechanical, civil) will employ “T level” apprentice from local communities. These young apprentices will be 16-19 years of age and this is an alternative vocational training to Highers.

Community Benefit

We are committed to investing over the lifetime of the project into a Community Benefits Package that will include a Community Fund specifically for the development.  We would seek to engage with the communities affected to establish the appropriate geographic area for benefits and the community priorities in order to provide a package that best delivers on the communities needs.  We would seek to support the community in forming the appropriate structures to manage any ongoing benefits which could be used to deliver a wide range of initiatives for the communities.

We would index the fund with the net profits of the project so that we deliver transparency along the way.